European Partnership on Rare Diseases (RD)
The Rare Diseases partnership aims to enhance stakeholder collaboration on rare diseases to improve the life of patients by developing treatments and diagnostics.
Under the 2023-2024 work programme, there was one call for proposal in 2023. It is now closed.
European Partnership on Rare Diseases (RD)
European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD)
The European Partnership on Rare Diseases is a partnership under Horizon Europe.
The total indicative budget for the duration of the partnership is EUR 50 million. In addition, EUR 50 million are expected to come from the partnership’s partners.
Grants, other parties are allowed to participate by giving in-kind contributions to the beneficiaries but will not be regarded as formal recipients of EU funding. However, depending on the funding organisation within the call, a contribution towards the project can be required.
The following types of applicants are eligible for funding:
- SMEs
- Large enterprises
- NPOs
- Academia
- Public sector
The partnership will coordinate national, local and European research and innovation programmes, combining research funding and implementation of research supportive activities such as training, data access infrastructures, data standards etc.
The main goal is to improve the life of patients with rare diseases by developing diagnostics and treatments for rare diseases through multidisciplinary research and innovation programmes with all relevant stakeholders. This will increase impact and uptake of research results as well as increase the visibility of EU leadership in rare diseases research.
Applicants based in the following geographical areas are eligible for funding:
- European Union Member States
- Countries associated to Horizon Europe
- Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
- Other: Other third countries – United States
The indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement, described in Annex F of the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024, is as follows:
- Information on the outcome of the evaluation: Around 5 months from the deadline for submission
- Indicative date for the signing of grant agreements: Around 8 months from the deadline for submission
For two-stage calls, the timing is different (for the evaluation result: around 3 months from the deadline for submission for the first stage and around 5 months from the deadline for submission for the second stage; for signature of the grant agreement: around 8 months from the second stage deadline for submission).
All stages (unconfirmed)
There are currently no open calls under the RD partnership