European Partnership for Pandemic Preparedness

The European Partnership on Pandemic Preparedness aims to improve the European Union’s (EU) preparedness to predict, prevent and respond to emerging infectious health threats by better coordinating funding for research and innovation at EU, national (and regional) levels.
In 2024, a calls for proposals was published to launch the partnership (closed).

European Partnership on Pandemic Preparedness

European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD)

The European Partnership on Pandemic Preparedness is a partnership under Horizon Europe and is expected to last 7 to 10 years (starting in 2024).

The total indicative budget for the duration of the partnership is up to EUR 100 million.


Grants, other parties are allowed to participate by giving in-kind contributions to the beneficiaries but will not be regarded as formal recipients of EU funding. However, depending on the funding organisation within the call, a contribution towards the project can be required.

Public, private, and nonprofit sector (with a primary focus on the public sector)

This partnership aims to improve the EU’s preparedness to predict, prevent and respond to emerging infectious health threats by better coordinating funding for research and innovation at EU, national (and regional) level towards jointly agreed objectives and strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA). The partnership will aim to contribute to building a coherent European Research Area (ERA) enabling Member States and the European Commission to rapidly and jointly support R&I in pandemic preparedness.
The four main activity areas are:
- New scientific knowledge and innovation
- Development of counter measures
- Improved evidence; setting up EU-wide enabling infrastructures
- Collaboration with HERA

The first phase of the partnership is expected to last 2 to 3 years.

The indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement, described in Annex F of the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024, is as follows:
- Information on the outcome of the evaluation: Around 5 months from the deadline for submission
- Indicative date for the signing of grant agreements: Around 8 months from the deadline for submission
For two-stage calls, the timing is different (for the evaluation result: around 3 months from the deadline for submission for the first stage and around 5 months from the deadline for submission for the second stage; for signature of the grant agreement: around 8 months from the second stage deadline for submission).

Basic, preclinical, and clinical research; in addition, research capacity development, coordination, and capacity strengthening.


Overview here

There are currently no open calls for proposals.