Research Infrastructures (RIs)

Research Infrastructures (RIs) aim to address global environmental, social and economic challenges by maximising science and technological contributions to meet societal needs whilst increasing the European Union’s (EU) competitiveness. RIs provide resources and services for the research communities to conduct research and foster innovation in their fields. Examples of resources and services provided include, but are not limited to equipment or sets of instruments, knowledge-related facilities, archives or scientific data infrastructures, computing systems, and communication networks.
The programme is structured around the following four destinations:
- INFRADEV aims to enable the development, consolidation and optimisation of the European research infrastructures landscape and maintain global leadership.
- INFRAEOSC aims to deliver a trusted virtual environment supporting Open Science, based on key horizontal core functions, with corresponding e-infrastructures accessible to researchers.
- INFRASERV supports R&I activities that aim to address significant societal challenges, notably in health, the green and digital transformation, and ensuring resilience to crises.
- INFRATECH supports innovative solutions to societal challenges and new industrial applications, products and services.
In 2024, 12 calls for proposals were published (closed)


European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD)

RIs is a programme under Horizon Europe.

The overall indicative budget for the duration of the programme is EUR 2400 million. For 2024, the total indicative budget is EUR 336.89 million.

Depending on the specific project. Calls are currently closed.

Grant, no contribution required

Entities that qualify as ‘Research infrastructures’ (RIs) as defined by Article 2 of the Horizon Europe regulation are eligible for participation and funding

RIs focus on strengthening European research infrastructures and capabilities, including but not limited to the area of health.

The following types of applicants are eligible for funding:
- Entities that qualify as ‘Research infrastructures’ (RIs) as defined by Article 2 of the Horizon Europe regulation are eligible for participation and funding
Only consortia are eligible to apply, subject to specific conditions:
- Consortia must have at least three independent legal entities, of which at least one is established in ‘modest’ or ‘moderate’ innovator region and at least one in ‘strong’ or ‘innovation leader’ innovator region
- The Regional Innovation Scoreboard is taken as a reference, and in the case of entities representing national authorities, the European Innovation Scoreboard. The applicants must reference the latest version of the documents mentioned above at the time of the call closure
- Associated Countries which are not included in the European Innovation Scoreboard and are ranked below 25 on the Global Innovation Index 2020are considered as ‘moderate’ or ‘modest innovators’
- In cases of Associated Countries not included in any of the previously mentioned references, the participation rank of the country in Horizon Europe (H2020 country profile) will be taken as a reference and countries ranked below the average will be considered as ‘moderate’ or ‘modest innovators’

Depending on the specific project

The indicative timeline for evaluation and grant agreement, described in Annex F of the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024, is as follows:
- Information on the outcome of the evaluation: Around 5 months from the deadline for submission
- Indicative date for the signing of grant agreements: Around 8 months from the deadline for submission
For two-stage calls, the timing is different (for the evaluation result: around 3 months from the deadline for submission for the first stage and around 5 months from the deadline for submission for the second stage; for signature of the grant agreement: around 8 months from the second stage deadline for submission).

Focus on capacity building


Overview here

There are currently no open calls for proposals.