United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

The US Agency for International Development (USAID)’s global health efforts are focused on three strategic priorities: preventing child and maternal deaths, controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and combating infectious diseases. Among others, the latter covers malaria, tuberculosis, neglected tropical diseases pandemic influenza.

USAID publishes calls for proposals on SAM.gov (contract opportunities) and grants.gov (grant and cooperative agreement opportunities). SAM.gov and grants.gov cover awards allocated through the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) , through which USAID seeks to work with a more diverse range of partners and provide more entry points for new, non-traditional and local organisations.
In addition, USAID accepts unsolicited proposals and applications.
Please see below for more information about open opportunities.

Please refer to the ‘Open opportunities’ section.

Depending on the specific opportunity.

For further information on the anticipated future calls for proposals, refer to SAM.gov and grants.gov You can also monitor anticipated USAID opportunities on the Agency’s Business Forecast.

Depending on the specific opportunity.

- USAID contract opportunities on SAM.gov: Respondents must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) with the appropriate North American Industry Classification System code prior to proposing their submission. Registration can be completed on SAMgov.
- USAID grant and cooperative agreement opportunities on grants.gov: There are many types of organisations generally eligible to apply for funding opportunities on Grants.gov. Each type of organization listed in the categories below is a specific search criterion in Search Grants.
- NPI: There is no special registration process to be eligible for NPI awards. Please refer to the information outlined for SAM.gov and grants.gov respectively.
- Unsolicited proposals and applications: For further information about eligibility criteria, please click here


Depending on the specific opportunity

For further information about partnering with USAID, please click here.
For further information specifically about NPI’s open call for proposals, please contact USAID via email at npi@usaid.gov.